Quality Policy

Since 1926, quality has been a fundamental corporate value for ABC CONTRACTING. ABC CONTRACTING therefore works hard to make its products and services meet or exceed customer expectations. To achieve this objective, we encourage the promotion of a quality culture throughout the company. We focus on eliminating “non-quality” to maintain our reputation and secure long-term sustainability.

ISO 9001


ABC CONTRACTING is certified ISO 9001. This certification is the recognition by an independent organisation of our effective implementation of the Quality Management System as required by the ISO 9001 norm.

The initial diagnosis of our current system, the analysis of the risks and opportunities, the identification and description of the process, the training of our employees on the norm’s requirements, and the verification with internal audits were major steppingstones concluding a long-term endeavour started in 2016 that allowed the conception of a Quality System coherent with the ABC CONTRACTING objectives and the ISO9001 requirements.

ISO 14001


Concerned with their environmental responsibilities, ABC CONTRACTING has also the ISO14001 certification. This agreement with this international norm which establishes a benchmark for the setting-up of environmental management systems.

For us who are working in Africa, the accreditation for ISO14001 norm is a further guarantee for current and future generations.

ISO 45001


For ABC CONTRACTING, health and safety issues are top priority. The safety of staff and customers is at the heart of daily concerns. For this reason, the decision was made at the end of 2021 to launch ISO 45001:2018 certification. Following the certification audit relating to the management of health and safety at work, the system set up by ABC CONTRACTING was brilliantly certified in May 2023.

Faced with the constraint of accidents in the workplace or occupational diseases, the ISO 45001:2018 standard aims to establish a safety framework towards the permanent improvement of worker protection and the reduction of occupational risks in companies.